본 기사 번역 제공은 <한양대학교 HK 러시아 유라시아 연구사업단>이 러시아 및 유라시아 지역의 주요 헤드라인 뉴스들을 정리, 번역하여 매주 국가별로 원문과 함께 제공하는 ‘주간뉴스 번역서비스’이다. 2010년 7월 20일 제 1호가 나온 이후 지금에 이르며, 본 기사번역 제공서비스가 포괄하는 국가에는 러시아연방을 비롯하여, 우크라이나, 벨라루스, 몰도바, 카자흐스탄, 우즈베키스탄, 키르기스스탄, 투르크메니스탄, 타지키스탄, 아제르바이잔, 아르메니아, 조지아 등 12개 국가이다. 이들 12개국에서 벌어지는 생생한 최신뉴스를 엄선하여 번역하고 원문링크와 함께 배포하는 본 서비스는 이제 관련 전문가들은 물론이고, 학생들에게도 학술적 가치를 인정받고 있다.

지난 1990년 「월간북방동향」으로 창간하여 1997년 「아태지역동향」으로 제호를 변경한 이래 2006년 2월호까지 발간되었다. 본지는 월간 발행을 원칙으로 하고 있으며, 게재되는 내용은 본 아태지역연구센터에서 매월 개최하고 있는 중국, 러시아, 북한, 미국, 일본 5개국의 정치/경제/사회 동향 및 초점분석에 대한 월례보고회의 결과물들이다.

『JAPA(Journal of Asia-Pacific Affairs』는 본 연구센터의 확대개편에 따라 연구영역의 확장을 꾀하고자 발간된 영문 학술잡지로서 지난 1999년 8월 창간호가 발행되었다. 본 학술잡지는 연 2회 발행되어 아시아-태평양지역 주요 국가들에 대한 연구성과를 게재하였는데, 2006년 7월호(v.7, n.7) 이후 발간이 중단되었다.

「亞太쟁점과 연구」 (Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies)는 월간 「아태지역동향」을 확대, 발전시켜 2006년 4월에 그 창간호가 나온 계간지이다. 본 연구지는 아태지역연구센터의 내 · 외부 연구진들이 아시아-태평양 지역의 현안 쟁점들을 논의하는 워크숍에서 발표된 연구논문 working paper를 묶어 계간으로 발간하는 형태를 취하고 있으며, 2007년 겨울 (제 2권, 4호, 통권 8호)를 마지막으로 발간이 중단되었다.


JAPA : Volume 4


Volume 4 No. 1

An Analysis of South Korea's Import Demand

*Abstract :
This article, applying Johansen multivariate cointegration analysis and error correction modeling techniques, analyses the relationship between Korean imports and the components of final demand expenditure and relative prices. Firstly, the major determinants of import demand in the long run are found to be relative price, final consumption expenditure and export demand with elasticities 0.6, 1.04 and 0.49 respectively. Secondly, in the case of import demand specification with disaggregated income variable, final consumption expenditure, relative price and capacity utilization are found to Granger-cause import demand in the short run. Thirdly, the different estimation results between the components basis and aggregation basis imply the traditional estimation can cause an aggregation bias.

Postcolonial Discours, Diasporic Critique: Filipina Migrant Narratives in the Shadow of Globalization

*Abstract : Unlike the historic diasporas of the past, the worldwide dispersal of about 10 million Filipino bodies, mostly women, is a product of globalized capitalism, the new transnationalizing adaptation of the South to the model of the North. Peripheralized by the colonial legacy of 300 years of Spanish rule and almost a century of U.S. direct colonial (1898-1946) and neocolonial domination (from 1946 up to now), the Philippines now occupies the position of the main supplier of cheap migrant labor for metropolitan and developing nation-states. Despite this profound historic change, postcolonial discourse fails to grasp this newmodel of subordination and subalternization. This essay initiates an exploration of the counterhegemonic narratives of the Filipino diaspora as an implicit critique of the postcolonialist complicity with transnationalizing postmodernism and its neoliberal, cosmopolitanist "civilizing mission."

Stabilizing International Relations in East Asia and the Possibility of Institutionalization

*Abstract : Current discousres of East Asia's regional security face perplexing theoretical and practical problems. The main difficulty lies in establishing uniform standardes of common security, both substantive and procedural, among the many differences of both Asian and Europenaized nation-states(United States, Japan, China, Singapore, South Korea etc). One way to solve this problem is to settle down instititutionalization in the region. Depite its limited ambitions, thepush for institutional regional security has gained considerable momentum of its own and has become an established part of wider security dialogue. However, member states in the region are still suffering from asymmetric evolution of nation-state among East Asian countries, calculation of state policy, and collective identity. These factors hinder from institutional development in East Asia. An Asian way of institutionalization is considered to stablize internatinal relations in East Asia, in which multilateralism is combined with bilateralism and the United States plays a key role as a power balancer.

Northeast Asia and the Trends of the 21st Century: An Essay on the Northeast Asian Economic Community

: In corresponding to present trends, it is necessary to organize an EU-like community in Asia, especially in the Northeast Asia. The Northeast Asian countries, including Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan and so on, have similar history, culture, and ethnic background, and therefore, it is easy to carry out cooperative work. With a well-developed transportation and production capacity like what we have right now, not only would each country's territory seem too narrow but an economic integration which is suitable for a broader territory would be accomplished. Further, it will lead to the cultural integration of races within the consolidated area and, eventually, enable a development toward political integration.

A Study on the Legality and Legitimacy of UN Intervention in the Korean War

: Soon afterits founding, the United Nations was called on to deal with conflict in Korea. The conflict was to have severe repercussions for the structure of UN decision-making, and considerable ramifications in terms of what was to be permitted, prescribed and prohibited under the rules (both legal and normative) of the new post-war world order. The newly formed UN had an opportunity to put into action the ideals set forth in its charter. The debate among practitioners and academics over the implications of the Korean War precedent is ongoing and has had a profound effect on subsequent intervention debates as well as wreaking change in the organization itself.

The Danger of Global Finance: A Reassessment of the Asian crisis

*Abstract :
In 2002, as East Asia rises to its feet again, it is enticing for the West to begin pouring capital back into Asia to speed it along the road to recovery.  To allow this to happen, however, would be to miss the fundamental lessons of the 1997 crisis. This paper explores the numerous studies done on the crisis, and finds that despite divergence in scholars' understandings of the 'fundamental'root of the crisis, there is a general consensus that the 'proximate'cause of the crisis was the immense rapid capital flight out of Asia.  After demonstrating the wisdom in this consensus through an examination of the size and volatility of these flows, the second section of the paper then argues that this whipsaw movement of capita is inherent in the structure of global finance.  It examines the over-liquidity of financial markets and the psychology of investment, showing that both predispose financial markets to large, erratic, and potentially dangerous surges.  The paper concludes with a survey of measures that can be taken to protect developing nations from such dangerous flows, asserting that capital controls should be imposed in Asia to provide slower domestic reforms with time to mature.

Volume 4 No. 2

Distant State in World Markets: New Zealand Universities Confront the Information Age

*Abstract : This article brings institutions into the debate about the role of universities in the knowledge economy.  Though globalization changes the framework within which nation-states act, policy responses emerge from distinct institutional contexts that rule in some strategies and rule out others.  In New Zealand, the globalization of information technology and economic competition intersects with a social consensus that the neoliberal regime for tertiary education failed. This article asks: why did this consensus emerge, and can the institutional structure of this small state adapt to the globalization of the tertiary sector?  The analysis integrates new institutionalism with the concept of strategic adaptation developed by Douglass North, and concludes by identifying the lessons that can be drawn from this case study.

Taiwan's Evolution of Party Politics: From Dominant to Competitive Party System

*Abstract : This paper examines the evolution of party politics in Taiwan. First, I examine the historical characteristics of the KMT party-state from 1949 to 1985. During this period, the political system of Taiwan was characterized as a “quasi-Leninist” party-state authoritarianism with no prior democratic experiences. Second, I examine political liberalization and democratic transition from 1986 to 1996. Taiwan’s transition to democracy was implemented from relatively strong authoritarian regime which was characterized as the absence of direct threat to the continuation of authoritarian rule. By 1996, it was thought that a dominant party system might evolve during Taiwan’s democratic transition process. However, with the opposition’s slim margin of victory over the presidential election in 2000 Taiwan moves from a dominant-party system to a highly competitive party system.

Korean Comfort Women, Human Rights and International Law: A Critical Analysis

*Abstract : Onlyrecently have scholars begun to address this highly contentious issue of whether Korean comfort women have a claim at international law. This essay isunique in that it attempts to tackle the comfort women plight head on and showthat Japan committed horrific acts to the comfort women and must own up tothem. By arguing that if we trace Japan’s membership to a number ofinternational conventions and analyse the role of customary international lawthe reader can deduce that said comfort women do in fact have a legitimateclaim at international law and are entitled to some form of remedy. Moreover,this paper brings to the fore that Japan’s rebuttal to any claims made by thecomfort women, namely that all discrepancies between Korea and Japan weresettled at the 1965 Agreement on the Settlement of Problems Concerning theProperty of Korea and are final, is deeply flawed. Finally, it ispostulated that the passive behaviour of the Korean government has beenunderpinned by economic motivations in its quest to evolve Korea into athriving capitalist nation.

The 2002 American Midterm Election: The Republican Victory in Historical Perspective

*Abstract :The Bush administration won anhistorically unusual victory in the 2002 midterm elections, picking up 8 seatsin the House of Representative and gaining 2 seats in the Senate. The two major issues in 2002 were copingwith terrorism in the aftermath of September 11 and the dismal state of theAmerican economy, and Bush’s hard-line on terrorism proved to be decisive. This triumph put the Republicans in controlof the presidency and both houses of Congress for the first time in almost halfa century. Pundits agree that thisbolsters the power of the Bush administration, although it is difficult tojudge to what degree. This articlediscusses the changing pattern of midterm elections in order to put the 2002midterm in historical perspective. Itthen assesses in what ways it might strengthen the Bush administration indomestic and international policymaking.

Confucianism and South Korea's Global Development Strategy

*Abstract :
This article examines Confucianism and global development strategy in South Korea. The process of state-oriented industry in Confucian capitalism would be different from the free competition of classical capitalism of the West. The state has a powerful influence over market system. The fundamental function of the state in Confucian capitalism based on cohesive relationships between the members of society provides the process of economic development. The Korean state has, on the whole, been influenced by Confucian political culture, and is, to some extent, an example of the economically successful Confucian capitalism. Ultimately, this research paper explores Confucian development strategy which is related to the strategy of realism and liberal pluralism with the recognition of world system theory in global economic system. As a matter of fact, It must be noted that the important role of political agents and the recognition of structural global economic system are requisite to generate economic development.

Three Strikes Out Law in the U.S.: The Policy-making Process and the Role of Policy Analysts

*Abstract : In a democratic policy-making process, many problems exist.  Politicians may be influenced by biased information or by intense minority opinions so that social problems are not accurately defined.  Alternatives and opportunity costs may not be fully and appropriately considered so that government resources are not allocated in the most effective way. This paper analyzes the process through which the “Three Strikes Out” law was made to discuss what problems exist in a democratic policy-making process.  It then goes on to explore how policy analysts could prevent such problems or reduce the negative impact of such problems on a democratic policy-making process and what type of policy analysts might be more appropriate for the purpose


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