본 기사 번역 제공은 <한양대학교 HK 러시아 유라시아 연구사업단>이 러시아 및 유라시아 지역의 주요 헤드라인 뉴스들을 정리, 번역하여 매주 국가별로 원문과 함께 제공하는 ‘주간뉴스 번역서비스’이다. 2010년 7월 20일 제 1호가 나온 이후 지금에 이르며, 본 기사번역 제공서비스가 포괄하는 국가에는 러시아연방을 비롯하여, 우크라이나, 벨라루스, 몰도바, 카자흐스탄, 우즈베키스탄, 키르기스스탄, 투르크메니스탄, 타지키스탄, 아제르바이잔, 아르메니아, 조지아 등 12개 국가이다. 이들 12개국에서 벌어지는 생생한 최신뉴스를 엄선하여 번역하고 원문링크와 함께 배포하는 본 서비스는 이제 관련 전문가들은 물론이고, 학생들에게도 학술적 가치를 인정받고 있다.

지난 1990년 「월간북방동향」으로 창간하여 1997년 「아태지역동향」으로 제호를 변경한 이래 2006년 2월호까지 발간되었다. 본지는 월간 발행을 원칙으로 하고 있으며, 게재되는 내용은 본 아태지역연구센터에서 매월 개최하고 있는 중국, 러시아, 북한, 미국, 일본 5개국의 정치/경제/사회 동향 및 초점분석에 대한 월례보고회의 결과물들이다.

『JAPA(Journal of Asia-Pacific Affairs』는 본 연구센터의 확대개편에 따라 연구영역의 확장을 꾀하고자 발간된 영문 학술잡지로서 지난 1999년 8월 창간호가 발행되었다. 본 학술잡지는 연 2회 발행되어 아시아-태평양지역 주요 국가들에 대한 연구성과를 게재하였는데, 2006년 7월호(v.7, n.7) 이후 발간이 중단되었다.

「亞太쟁점과 연구」 (Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies)는 월간 「아태지역동향」을 확대, 발전시켜 2006년 4월에 그 창간호가 나온 계간지이다. 본 연구지는 아태지역연구센터의 내 · 외부 연구진들이 아시아-태평양 지역의 현안 쟁점들을 논의하는 워크숍에서 발표된 연구논문 working paper를 묶어 계간으로 발간하는 형태를 취하고 있으며, 2007년 겨울 (제 2권, 4호, 통권 8호)를 마지막으로 발간이 중단되었다.


JAPA : Volume 7


Volume 7 No. 1

The Role of Economic and Social Commission for Asia (Escap) and the protection of Human Rights
(Dimitris Liakopoulos)

<Abstract> The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia (Escap) was founded in 1947. During the years, ESCAP's activities are more concentrated on spreading the growth momentum fronts from the more dynamic countries to the rest of the region. In this way ESCAP as a regional organization has called under the mandates of the United Nations to participate and to contribute especially in the field of the protection of human rights in the region of Asia Pacific region.

The Present State of the South and North Korean Economic Cooperation and Tasks for its Activation
(Il-whan Oh)

<Abstract> Both sides of South and North Korean authorities were able to set up a momentum to transform their relation from a hostile relation to a cooperative relation based on concord and peace through the South and North Korean Summit Talk, transition to brand-new cooperative relation targets the establishment of institutional device for concerted development of the two Koreas through reconstruction of the North Korean economy, increasing the living conditions level of North Korean people, mutually complementary economic growth, that is formation of the national unitary economic community.
We have to consider that the heterogeneity between the two Koreas' political and economic systems is so severe, for establishing the national unitary economic community formation strategy. Therefore, a functionalistic method, that is a gradual and stepwise way, should be adapted, in order to keep stimulating North Korea to a minimum level. Then the effects will spread to political and military sectors, and we'll be able to achieve the economic integration, overcoming the revere ideological and systematic gap between the South and North. In this context, it may be desirable to establish an overall, concrete execution plan for reaching formation of a national unitary economic community, and carry it out step by step. Hence, it will be very important to exert all efforts to find more effective ways for increase of mutual dependence of South and North Korean economies, and to concretize them, and to carry them into
The purpose of this study is to examine the current situation of major projects of South and North Korean economic cooperation since the Joint Declaration of South and North Korean Summit Talk in 2000 and to suggest some policy implications for more effective execution of the economic cooperation. The major projects are the Gyeongeui Railway Line Connection Project, Donghae Railway Line Connection Project, Gesung Industrial Complex construction project and Mt. Kumgang Tour Development Project, which were included in the items that were agreed by both sides' authorities of the South and North in the second meeting of the South and North Korean Economic Cooperation Execution Committee, held in August 2002.

A Note for Practicing the Social Welfare in South Korea: Based upon a Psychoanalytic Self-Awareness of Populist Culture
(Manwoo Lee)

<Abstract> This paper deals with the psychoanalytic contribution to practicing the social welfare in the direction of a self-awareness of Korean populism and its cultural pathologies. Populist drive undermines the tolerant political process of informative communication and common purpose in populism may be an idealization and its conviction may rest on narcissism, supported by projective communication. Populist welfare policy suggests a common purpose that binds individuals into political groups with a collective conviction, based on the signifier of master, the People. But psychoanalytic self-reflexive reason mitigates these destructive tendencies, The rigorously reflexive nature of psychoanalysis may bring it into social conflict with some partisan positions taken by political groups from which its populist drive has been drawn, Psychoanalysis has a unique contribution to promote our understanding of the relation between self-reflexive reason and populist drive in making the welfare policy, facing with the cultural matrix of starting from mental motives as a source of creativity.

Review on the Autonomy of Leadership of North Korea: Focusing on the Period of Establishing Socialist Economy after the Korean War
(Mi-kyung Lee)

<Abstract> This thesis tried to examine when and how the leadership of North Korea achieved autonomy. Autonomy means an ability to make its goal and achieve the goal overcoming substantial or potential opposition. Thus, the autonomy of the leadership of North Korea means to maximize the power and status of leader internally, and to sustain relative autonomy and independence externally. It is shown in suggesting independence line that asserting its own way in building socialist economy overcoming both internal and external opposition in post war perod. The independent line of North Korea is resistant because it contains equality between nations, independence, and non-intervention in domestic affairs etc. Also it show its self-confidence to establish equal relations in foreign relationships. Thus the North Korean leader's autonomy was the result of their ideological element such as independence and self-reliance came from its unique historical experience of North Korea that had sustained its regime under continuous influence of foreign powers. And it was derived from the North Korean leader's self-confidence caused by the maintenance of stable regime owing to the remarkable economic growth under the leadership of Kim Il-Sung centered on the singly leadership system since the postwar.

A Road to Democratic Consolidation: the Case of South Africa
(Sungsoo Kim)

<Abstract> The stability and prosperity of future of South Africa would be depended on the fact that all signs of racial capitalism have to be replaced by a democratic and progressive socialist order in order to prevent a major class battle. The ideology of true Marxism would offer a credible alternative to the structural inequities and ravages of capitalism along with limited the power of the executive but legislature. I, not a socialist, believes that if entities of the liberation movement cannot fight for radical alternative to the historical injustices and ravages of capitalism and find a formula for closing the gap between the haves and have nots, then the new South Africa is going for a conflict of unprecedented proportions. In short, the combination of Marxism as a weapon of theory and organized black labor as a political force can bring down racial exploited capitalist system and achieve the just and ideal society envisaged by true Marxism.

South Korea's Role in UN Peacekeeping Operations and its Cooperation with Japan
(Young-Dahl OH)

<Abstract> This paper examine the possibility of security cooperation between South Korea and Japan within the framework of UN Peacekeeping Operations(PKOs). UN PKOs represent quintessential activities of the UN for the maintenance of international peace and security in the international community. As the role of South Korea in the field of UN PKOs is a success story, so Japan has been making a great contribution to the UN PKOs. Nevertheless, Japan's posture toward UN PKOs is unique in that it is exceedingly reluctant in sending out combat units whereas it provides a large amount of human and financial resources for the PKOs due to its Peace Constitution and related laws. This situation might be utilized as an opportunity to consider a security cooperation between South Korea and Japan within UN PKOs as the case of East Timor illustrates.


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